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The Lovers
Attraction, love, friendship, a union of antipoles and increased awareness through reflection. These are the main themes associated with The Lovers. However, beware: this card also represents doubt and making difficult choices. These choices are naturally best made from the heart. Historically, this card has also been known as 'The Decision'.

This card still stands for necessary decisions, which often are not related to (romantic) love. The card tells you that you need to decide on something 'with all your heart', without bitterness or reservations.

The exact significance of this card is up to you. It is what you make of it. One thing is certain: you need to make the best choice and you need to do it by saying 'yes' to it, unconditionally.

Love and relationships
In your personal relationships this card points to a true love who moves you deeply. The card also points towards the need to make a decision. Do you choose love? If so, you will nee to 'yes' to it with all your heart.

This card encourages you to be fair to yourself and to understand that fairy tales and fairy tale princes do not exist. The path that leads to the other is called 'the decision'.

Work and career
Regarding your work The Lovers shows you that you need to make choices. They may concern decisions about your career path or a new job for example. It may also be the case that you need to take a decision in your job or work. For example the decision to continue on the chosen path.

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